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2019 New Crop Goji Berries

Views : 14515
Author : Purebiotechnology
Update time : 2019-08-22 18:40:06
2019 new harvest conventional and low pesticide goji price are avaiable in this month, and the organic goji berries still need times to sampling & analysis before quotation.

1. Market News
As 2019 new crop goji berries has just begun, the market still not stable, the best purchasing time is in the middle of Sep or in the early of Oct. 

2. Quality of Organic goji, Low pesticide Goji and conventional goji
Recently, it is always raining in Ningxia and Qinghai , most of which are of poor quality, small in size and round in fruit shape.

3. Price
A Grade Conventional goji price:  USD6.5/KG~USD7.90/KG
AA Grade Low pesticide Goji: USD6.9/KG~9.00/KG
AAA Grade Organic Goji(USDA Standards): USD7.79/KG~10.20/KG
AAA Grade Organic Goji(EU Standards): USD10.58~USD12.00
The price is estimated price, just for reference.

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