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Green Tea Extract and Its Health Function

Views : 1865
Author : Joe Huang
Update time : 2022-05-07 13:58:59
                                        Green Tea Extract and Its Health Function
Green tea extract is an active ingredient extracted from green tea leaves, mainly including tea polyphenols (catechins), caffeine, aromatic oil, water, minerals, pigments, carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, vitamins and so on.
Green tea polyphenols have antioxidant and free radical scavenging effects, significantly reduce the contents of serum total cholesterol, triglyceride and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in hyperlipidemia, and restore and protect the function of vascular endothelium. The hypolipidemic effect of tea polyphenols is also one of the main reasons why tea can make obese people lose weight without rebound.
Green tea polyphenols (GTP) is the main component of green tea, accounting for about 30% of dry matter. GTP is extracted from tea and its by-products (tea powder, tea slices, crude tea or trimmed leaves). Because only food grade ethyl acetate is used for extraction, the original structure of GTP is retained, and the product is light yellow powder. It is mainly composed of catechins, accounting for about 60% ~ 80% of the total GTP, including 4% ~ 6% epicatechin (l-ec), 6% ~ 8% epigallocatechin (d.l-ec), 10% ~ 15% epigallocatechin (l-egc), 50% ~ 60% epigallocatechin gallate (l-ecg) and 8% ~ 10% caffeine.
GTP structure is rich in phenolic hydroxyl groups, which can provide active H atom to inactivate free radicals, while the free radicals formed by oxidation have high stability due to catechol structure. Therefore, GTP can scavenge free radicals and inhibit lipid peroxidation.

Health care function
[hypolipidemic effect]: tea polyphenols can significantly reduce the contents of serum total cholesterol, triglyceride and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in hyperlipidemia, and restore and protect the function of vascular endothelium. The hypolipidemic effect of tea polyphenols is also one of the main reasons why tea can make obese people lose weight without rebound.
[antioxidant effect]: tea polyphenols can block the process of lipid peroxidation and improve the activity of enzymes in human body, so as to have the effect of anti mutation and anti-cancer.
[antitumor effect]: tea polyphenols can inhibit the synthesis of DNA in tumor cells and induce mutant DNA breakage, so it can inhibit the synthesis rate of tumor cells and further inhibit the growth and proliferation of tumors.
[sterilization and detoxification]: tea polyphenols can kill botulinum and spores and inhibit the activity of bacterial exotoxin. It has antibacterial effect on various pathogens causing diarrhea, respiratory tract and skin infection. Tea polyphenols have obvious inhibitory effects on Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus mutans causing suppurative infection, burn and trauma.
[anti alcohol and liver protection]: alcoholic liver injury is mainly free radical injury caused by ethanol. Tea polyphenols, as a free radical scavenger, can inhibit alcoholic liver injury.
[detoxification]: serious environmental pollution has obvious toxic effect on human health. Tea polyphenols have strong adsorption on heavy metals and can form complexes with heavy metals to produce precipitation, which is conducive to reducing the toxic effect of heavy metals on human body. In addition, tea polyphenols can also improve liver function and diuresis, so it has a good antidote effect on alkaloid poisoning.
[improve immunity]: tea polyphenols can increase the total amount of human immunoglobulin and maintain it at a high level, stimulate the change of antibody activity, so as to improve people's overall immune ability and promote the body's self-regulation function.