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Health Benefits of Goji Juice

Views : 1923
Update time : 2020-12-14 10:02:20

Health Benefits of Goji Juice


What are the health benefits of goji juice?



The health benefits of goji juice are finally being researched on this side of the world after centuries of being used to treat all sorts of ailments in Asian medicine. This is a refreshing change to our world of drugs, chemicals and conventional medicine that always seem to bring with them side effects and other problems.

The research being done isn't only to confirm that goji berries can effectively treat things like skin conditions and coughs as they've been used for in Asia, but also cardiovascular diseases and most recently, cancer. More than a decade ago, a study was done that linked goji berries to a significant reduction in cancers and recurring cancers, which is a major find by any means, especially considering the futility of conventional cancer treatment.

Exploring the health benefits of goji juice has led to the discovery of many incredible things that the juice can offer one's health, which just continues to prove that goji really is one of the most nutritionally sound foods around. Goji has been touted as some sort of miracle food, and there could just be some degree of truth in that.


Here are just a couple of the known health benefits of goji juice:

  • It contains more antioxidants than any other food. It has been proven and documented by the US Department of Agriculture that goji berries and goji juice contain more antioxidants than any other food known (at time of writing). Antioxidants are known to help build your immune system, lower your risk of cancer, as well as keep your heart healthy and cut your chances of heart-related diseases.
  • It's among the most nutritionally sound foods known. Goji juice benefits all have to do with the incredible amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients it contains: 19 essential nutrients, more vitamin C than oranges, germanium, which is not found in any other food, 21 trace minerals, vitamin B1, B2 and B6, and a wide array of fatty acids. Along with that, goji is high in protein and contains cyperone, which helps with blood pressure, heart health and is currently being used to treat cervical cancer. And if all that weren't enough, it also contains a natural anti-inflammatory agent and a strong anti-fungal property.

    Along with the abovementioned conditions, the health benefits of goji juice also include its ability to help in treating and preventing several other ailments, including; inflammation, bacterial infections, prostate issues, Hepatitis B, liver disease, menstrual pain and discomfort, impotence and vision problems.

    While it may not be the cure-all or miracle cure for everyone, goji juice's benefits are undeniable and worth exploring for your health, whether you have a condition you need help with or are simply looking to be as healthy as can be.