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Nutritional value of the Goji berry

Views : 3
Author : Hannah
Update time : 2025-03-05 11:54:28
Among the nutritional substances contained in Goji berries, there are 18 amino acids, among them 8 essential amino acids. They are rich in minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus and potassium. They also contain copper, nickel, chromium, manganese, cobalt, selenium, cadmium and germanium, and some oligo-elements which are necessary in small doses for the functioning of our body. Their striking colour is indicative of the antioxidants that the berries contain particularly the beta-carotenes that help our immune system to protect itself from many diseases, and which aid the production of red blood cells. Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C and E are also present in the berries, as are the essential fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6.

You need to pay attention to the calories contained in these tiny fruits, as they contain more calories than other berries or fresh fruits, so you should not eat too many if you are reducing your daily calorie intake. 
The composition of the la Lycium barbarum fruit, per 100 grams, can be summed up as:
268 calories
48,8 g carbohydrates
15 g protein
14.9 g fibre

It is said that Goji berries have a stimulating effect on the HCH hormone, which is the hormone responsible for human growth. This hormone also aids cellular regeneration, boosts memory and helps to improve the quality of your sleep. HCH contributes to fixing calcium in your bones and maintains muscular tissue, as well as reducing less beneficial body fat. The zeaxanthins, a chemical compound within the fruit’s pigment, are beneficial for human vision, as their antioxidant power can prevent negative macular changes.