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Red Jujube Fruit——Secret Tonic

Views : 357
Author : Hannah
Update time : 2024-11-14 09:34:04
Jujube fruit comes from the jujube tree species Zizyphus jujuba. The ripe oval fruits are a yellowish spotted red-brown color that eventually turns a deep red-mahogany with a wrinkled appearance when dried.

Commonly referred to as "red dates", dried jujubes are about the size of a date and also contain a single stone pit.

Jujube is sometimes pronounced joo-joob, however, many Westerners often use the name "ju-ju-bee." That's the one we are most familiar with from our own personal experiences.

The jujube tree (Zizyphus jujuba) is from the buckthorn family (Rhamnaceae). It's not related to sea buckthorn but does have similar thorned branches.

Dried jujubes are typically more available and utilized worldwide.
When dried, jujube is noticeably sweeter with a taste that closely resembles figs. Dried red dates are edible and have a spongy chewy texture that can be consumed as a snack food.

More frequently, however, they are prepared in tonic herbal formulas as well as in countless cultural Asian recipes ranging from fermented food to desserts.

As one of the super fruit varieties, whole dried fruits are not only used in tea decoctions but frequently added, like goji berries, as a nourishing substance for soups and stews.

JuJube Fruit as a Harmonizing Adjunctive Herb
One of the most popular ways this superfruit has been utilized throughout herbal traditions is as an adjunctive herb in tonic formulations.

In other words, when jujube fruit known as Da Zao is used alongside other tonics it is known to help "harmonize" and enhance their efficacy and maximize their positive influences.
As a Yin tonic, for example, it can help to balance warm-hot of Yang tonic herbs like ginseng, encouraging their smooth delivery in the body.

Lycii berries (goji) and Chinese licorice root are two others that are also in this class of herbal harmonizers.
Claimed to have fluid regulating attributes, red jujube dates are viewed useful for either moistening or drying qualities depending on other herbal combinations.

How to Use
Jujube fruit can be consumed raw or dried. They are sweet with a pleasant taste that many people enjoy.
They can be blended into smoothies, cultured vegetable ferments or eaten as a snack, however, they are traditionally used dried in tonic herbal formulations, decocted as a tea brew, prepared as a supplement extract or cooked into soup broths, stews or grains.

Ningxia Pure Goji Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a high quality supplier of jujube. We offer jujubes in both organic and conventional grades. Our products are recognized and accepted by customers in USA, Canada and Europe.