Berries Are Nutritional Powerhouses. One of they keys to healthy eating is focusing on nutritional density, and berries are the most nutritionally-dense fruits out there, loaded with antioxidants such as flavonoids and antioxidant vitamins. Berries differ in nutrient value, but all are healthy foods. Although almost all berries are healthy, What is the healthiest berry in the world?It definitely is Goji berry.
For Centuries goji berries have been enjoyed in China and the Himalayas for their uniquely sweet taste and wide-variety of health benefits. Consumed by both warriors and meditating monks alike, Goji berries (also known as Wolfberries), have been used in Asian herbal medicine for over 5,000 years and has been regarded as one of the most nutrient-rich foods on earth. Their abundant vitamins and mineral content makes them a unique source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Goji Berries are a vegetarian source of protein containing high amounts of essential amino acids, vitamins C and A, and over 20 trace minerals and vitamins (including zinc, iron, phosphorus, B2, vitamin E, and carotenoids). You can enjoy Goji berries in smoothies, tonics, brewed at Tea or by the handful.
WHAT DO GOJI BERRIES TASTE LIKE? Goji berries have a natural tinge of sweetness with a very slight herb-like aftertaste. They also contain tiny seeds (which contain fiber) that add a nice texture to your meals. HOW DO YOU EAT THEM? You can eat them raw or soak them in hot water before munching. Others prefer adding goji berries to trail mixes, smoothies or as a garnish on cereals, salads or yogurts. Basically, goji berries can be baked, cooked, steamed, and processed in any way after they are washed. You can try Goji Berries with: • Trail Mix • Oatmeal • Smoothies • Teas • Salads • Substitution for dried cherries, cranberries or raisins Recipe to try: Goji Tea
Ingredient: A handful of raw goji berries 240-300mlhot water Method: Boil the water and then add Goji berries. Let it steep for about 10 minutes. Then strain the tea to remove the berries. Add sweetener and milk to enjoy.
CELLULAR DEFENSE According to a study conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture on the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) of foods, goji berries received an ORAC score of 3,290- surpassing the antioxidant potential of blueberries, grapes, and grapefruit
Goji Berries are very high in vitamin A. One serving of Goji Berries can provide you about 140% of the daily recommended value of Vitamin A. So you can easily reach your recommended daily serving of this essential vitamin A.
Goji Berries are the good source of antioxidants, protein, dietary fiber, vitamin C and vitamin A which makes it a delicious and nutritious approach to promote overall health and longevity. Goji Berries contributes to the maintenance of good health with each serving. They also try to fulfill daily dietary nutrients requirements.
The longevity berry has been used for many years in ancient Asian herbal medicine. The berry is used in medicine for their wide range of health benefits which includes enhancing longevity, defending cells against the effects of oxidation and improving mental clarity. These red berries provide over 20 trace minerals and 18 amino acids. Goji berries are very small but powerful health choice that you can ever make. These sweet red berries are surely going to add charm to your simple recipe. Organic Goji Berries are soft berries which can be chewed directly or can be added to many recipes. Goji Berries is a Vegan-Friendly, Gluten-Free, and Low-carb option for good health. Adding a nutrient-packed energizing ingredient like Goji Berries is a decision your body and taste buds will be happy you made! As a professional manufacturer of organic goji berries, we focus on providing High-quality goji from our plant base. Third party certificate organic and Eurofins/Galab/SGS etc Lab testing report to grantee goji meet USDA/EU organic.